- 8.1.1. Users & Groups New Group - New User
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The primary function of groups are to allow for easy communication using the DealerChoice internal messaging system and to save a significant amount of time when setting permissions.
You can create as many groups as you like. Groups can have a single user or multiple users and users can belong to more than one group.
Creating a new Group
Click on the [new group] link to open the Create a New Group window. There are two tabs in this window; Group Info and Permissions.
Group Info Tab
Group Info tab Fields | Description |
Group Name * | Required field. Enter the name of the group you are creating. Group names usually denote the different departments that you have in your company such as Sales, Design, Install, Customer Support. You can create a group with a person's name. |
Place a lock on this group? | If a group is locked then every member of that group is immediately logged out of DealerChoice |
Allow 'submit to' functionality? | Allows internal DealerChoice message to be sent to all members of this group. |
Group Members | This is where you select the members of this group. If you are selecting multiple users hold down the CRTL (control) key while clicking on the names |
Save Group button | Click on the Save Group button to save your Group information. |
Group Permissions Tab
Group Permissions are covered in the User and Group Permissions chapter.
- New Group
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8.1.2. User and Group Permissions